RS.30,000 /Yearly
For Small Business Enterprises.
Real time monitoring of International usage
Dynamic DNS
User to site/ office VPN
Hierarchy/dynamics bandwidth management
Real time monitoring of International usage
Dynamic DNS
User to site/ office VPN
Hierarchy/dynamics bandwidth management
Site to Site VPN Client
License for unlimited concurrent users and bandwidth management.
Built in caching DNS, DHCP
Multilevel firewall rules on user/ policy/ system basis.
Login from restricted IP address for login based users.
Mac address binding for IP-based users.
IP/ user login based internet access.
Time based internet access policies.
Extensive reporting based on system/ user internet access and bandwidth usage.
Connection Tracking for each user/ device.
Quality of service (Q.O.S) protocol between management.
Comprehensive stateful firewall.
3G/ USB internet devices can act as a failover if primary ISP is down.
Bandwidth Quotes, MB/GB based plans to end user on daily, weekly & monthly based.
Multiple Network Support (VLANs).
Integrated Radius Server for Wifi Aps.
Routing specific protocol via specific IP via specific ISP.
Load Balancing.
Customer based captive portal.
Payment Gateway.
Pre-paid walk-in coupons.
Franchisee Management.
Data Transfer Billing.
SMS gateway.
AAA - Authentication, Authorization & Accounting.
RS.50,000 /Yearly
For Medium businesses.
Real time monitoring of International usage.
Dynamic DNS.
User to site/ office VPN.
FTP server.
Whitelist or blocklist sites.
Gateway Level Antivirus/ Antispam.
Secure site - to - site VPN server.
Proxy server.
DMZ NAT Rules.
Hierarchy/dynamics. bandwidth management.
Site to Site VPN Client
License for unlimited concurrent users and bandwidth management.
Built in caching DNS, DHCP.
Multilevel firewall rules on user/ policy/system basis.
Login from restricted IP address for login based users.
Mac address binding for IP-based users.
IP/ user - login based Internet access.
Time based internet access.
Extensive reporting based on system/ user internet access and bandwidth usage.
Connection tracking for each user/ device.
Quality of service (Q.O.S) protocol between management.
Comprehensive stateful firewall.
3G/ USB internet devices can act as a failover if primary ISP is down.
Secure site - to - site VPN server.
Bandwidth Quotas, MB/GB based plans to end user on daily, weekly & monthly based.
Proxy server.
Multiple Network Support (VLANs).
Integrated radius server for WiFi APs.
Routing specific protocol/via specific IP via specific ISP.
Load balancing.
Customer based captive portal.
Payment Gateway.
Pre-paid walk-in coupons.
Franchisee Management.
Data Transfer Billing.
SMS gateway.
AAA- Authentication, Authorization & Accounting.
RS.99,000 /Yearly
Supreme +
For big businesses.
Real time monitoring of International usage.
Dynamic DNS.
User to site/ office VPN.
FTP sever.
Whitelist or blocklist sites.
Gateway level/ Antivirus/ Antispam.
Secure site - to -site VPN.
Proxy Server.
DMZ NAT Rules.
Hierarchy/dynamics. bandwidth management.
Real time monitoring of International usage.
Dynamic DNS.
User to site/ office VPN.
DMZ NAT Rules.
Hierarchy/dynamics. bandwidth management.
Site to Site VPN Client
License for unlimited concurrent users and bandwidth management.
Built in caching DNS, DHCP.
Multilevel firewall rules on user/ policy/ system basis.
Login from restricted IP address for login based users.
Mac address binding for IP-based users.
IP/ user login based internet access.
Time based internet access policies.
Extensive reporting based on system/ user internet access and bandwidth usage.
Connection Tracking for each user/ device.
Quality of service (Q.O.S) protocol between management.
Comprehensive stateful firewall.
3G/ USB internet devices can act as a failover if primary ISP is down.
Bandwidth Quotes, MB/GB based plans to end user on daily, weekly & monthly based.
Multiple Network Support (VLANs).
Integrated Radius Server for Wifi Aps.
Routing specific protocol via specific IP via specific ISP.
Load Balancing.
Customer based captive portal.
Payment Gateway.
Pre-paid walk-in coupons.
Franchisee Management.
Data Transfer Billing.
SMS gateway.
AAA - Authentication, Authorization & Accounting.
It’s a way for you to make your marketing much more effective. It allows you to collect data from your customers by offering them free WiFi, with a socially-enabled login through Facebook and others. To access the internet in your venue, customers must log in using a social media account. They will then be prompted to automatically interact with your company’s social media pages, be this through tweets, Facebook likes, posts etc, in exchange for access to free WiFi. There is an option to login for customers without a social media account.
Yes, IberryWiFi works throughout the world. Please call us for international orders.
All our packages support Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ as standard.
We will supply you with a special pre-configured IberryWiFi wireless router. You simply connect the box up to your existing internet connection and you’ll be online within seconds.
Yes. Our top package is specifically designed to support multiple venues. This allows management of your sites from a single point within our management portal. From here you can control the features each of your child venues has access to. This is particularly useful if marketing is handled locally.
All our packages are subject to a 3,6 and 12 month term.
Yes, of course – you can upgrade your package at any time by calling us on +91985-502-1117.
When you change, we will change your limits straight away and start your new billing amount on a pro-rata basis
For monthly subscription payments, we can accept Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron or American Express. You may also set up an easy monthly Direct Debit.
All our customers have telephone access to our technical support to assist should you have any teething problems at the point of installation.After your service is up and running we offer email and full telephone support for all of our package.If you require technical support, please email .Our office hours are 9.00 to 5.30pm.
For the ‘anti-social’ ones amongst us; we offer a signup service meaning the visitor must register for an account in order to use the free WiFi. We’ll ask the user to supply all the important details needed for marketing. Email addresses will need to be verified in order to prevent false details being submitted. Here’s a list of questions and information about Social WiFi that should give you enough information to make a decision as to its benefits for your organisation.
We’ve three packages to choose from, each with different levels of functionality and data access. More details can be found on our packages page
Anyone who logs in with Facebook can be automatically be made to Like your Facebook page to gain access. You’ll see big increases in Facebook likes. The same is true for Twitter. Email addresses are captured from Facebook, LinkedIn and Google logins. You don’t get email addresses from Twitter users, that’s a limitation of the Twitter API.
You may set up advertising on your splash screen, so in theory you could rent space to your suppliers and essentially have them pay for the service for you. This functionality is on the top package.
We have a dashboard which you will log into to see your statistics and data.Example data fields collected from Facebook data include, but are not limited to, the following: Full name / Date of birth/ Age / Email address / Relationship Status / Significant other / Gender / Place of work / Place of education / Home town / Current location / Favourite sports teams/people/quotes / Number of friends / Number of followers / Facebook ID / Twitter ID / Linkedin ID / Google+ page / Last visit
This is a permission-based system, so any customer who logs in must give their permission to share their data with you, in the same way that any social media app requests your permission to install.
Absolutely. We take our Data Protection responsibilities very seriously here at Iberry WiFi.
You are able to download data as a .csv files, which you can import manually into a CRM of your choice.
You email your customers based on whether they like or follow you, and also when they make a social media post. So how about sending an email at point of login requesting they share a link to their wall in return for an offer? Once they do it, the second email triggers with a voucher/coupon code on it. A great way to get your customers’ friends noticing you. You can optionally have your customers automatically like your Facebook page before connecting, or not. It’s up to you. Most people have this turned on though, it’s a great way to boost your likes.
You email your customers based on whether they like or follow you, and also when they make a social media post. So how about sending an email at point of login requesting they share a link to their wall in return for an offer? Once they do it, the second email triggers with a voucher/coupon code on it. A great way to get your customers’ friends noticing you. You can optionally have your customers automatically like your Facebook page before connecting, or not. It’s up to you. Most people have this turned on though, it’s a great way to boost your likes.